A- This workshop aim to discuss the technical issues that arise in relation to Bipersonal psychodrama, showing the feasibility and utility of this therapy.
B- Methodology – I will be using a mix of teaching techniques in this workshop: theoretical exposition, experiences run by me and by the students themselves, as well as supervision of clinical cases.
1- What is Bipersonal Psychodrama? – Theoretical exposure.
2- Basic Set – Theoretical Exposure.
3- Warming up – Rosa will guide the students to direct this warming up experience.
• Classical Techniques – 5 students will be patient and will choose 5 directors. Each pair will exemplify one of the classical techniques.
• Open scene dramatization – Rosa will supervise real students cases.
• Internal Psychodrama – brief theoretical exposure and experience. (Rosa will direct an unfinished business game, using internal psychodrama).
• Working with dreams – brief statement.
• Working with Images – One student will direct the other in making a sculpture about feelings in the professional role.
• Dramatic Games – brief theoretical exposure. Rosa will direct a dramtic group game or a Social Atom.
• Character game : Rosa will direct the game characters of Dr. Bustos, focusing on the dreaded scenes in the professional role.
• The Sharing – brief statement.
• Workshop evaluation.
1- Date show.
6 hours.
1.Castello de Almeida, Wilson: Lições de Psicodrama, Editora Agora,1988
2. Cukier, Rosa – “Psicodrama Bipessoal: sua técnica, seu paciente, seu terapeuta”- Editora Ágora, 1992.
3. Cukier, Rosa – “Sobrevivência Emocional: as dores da infância revividas no drama adulto”- Editora Ágora, 1998
4. Fonseca,José:”Psicoterapia da Relação: elementos do psicodrama contemporâneo”Editora Agora,2000.
5. Leventon, Eva. “Psicodrama para o clínico tímido”- São Paulo, Manole, 1979, cap. III, p.19. precisa Xerocar, edição esgotada).
6. Perazzo, S.,”Percurso Transferencial e Reparação”, Revista Temas, ano XVII, nº 32–33, pp. 127-148.
7. Poblacio, Pablo e Lopes Barbera, Elisa: A escultura na psicoterapia, Editora Agora, 1999.